Etay Furman

Formerly: Shaliach (emissary) to the Indianapolis Jewish Federation, Indiana; coordinator of the Midwest Garin Tzabar; Shaliach to New York summer camps; graduate of the StandWithUs Fellowship; marketing manager at Ben-Gurion University Hillel; staff member at the Jewish Agency for Israel.


Currently: Business Development Manager.

Etay began his career with a long stint at the Jewish Agency as a Jewish Federation and summer camp shaliach.

From there, he went on to work at a variety of Jewish organizations around the world. He currently serves as our Business Development Manager and is the first person you’ll meet on the ground as well as the one who will keep in touch with you about your trip.

If you're lucky, you’ll run into Etay playing one of the pianos that have been placed for public use at train stations throughout Tel Aviv when he is out and about